NSIDE’s experts regularly contribute to articles in technical magazines and are often covered in various regional and national media. Just a few examples:
Article series in the Heise iX magazine about IoT hacking:
- Heise iX 5/2020, p. 120: IoT Hacking: Attacking embedded devices
- Heise iX 7/2020, p. 118: IoT Hacking: Dumping flash memory chips
- Heise iX 12/2020, p. 142: IoT-Hacking: Replay attacks via radio
- Heise iX 02/2021, p. 140: IoT-Tutorial: IoT-Hacking: Improve firmware and network security
- Heise iX 04/2021, p. 132: IoT-Tutorial: IoT Hacking: Bluetooth Low Energy Attacks
- Heise iX 06/2021, p. 142: IoT-Tutorial: IoT-Hacking: Exploit format string vulnerabilities
Article series in the Heise iX magazine covering the whole process of red team assessments:
- Heise iX 2/2018, p. 78: Red Teaming: Attacks on Technology and Humans – With all Means
- Heise iX 4/2018, p. 92: Red Teaming: Tactical Information Gathering (OSINT) -Acquired Knowledge
- Heise iX 6/2018, p. 106: Red Teaming: External Access – Intruder Alert
- Heise iX 9/2018, p. 106: Red Teaming: Setting Traps – G0ne Phishing …
- Heise iX 10/2018, p. 80: Red Teaming: Intrusions in the Real World
- Heise iX 12/2018, p. 82: Red Teaming: Post Exploitation und Lateral Movement
- Heise iX 2/2019, p. 76: Red Teaming: Command and Control Infrastructures – Undiscovered Backdoors
- Heise iX 4/2019, p. 91: Red Teaming: Cyber Resilience, War Gaming and Crisis Management – Strengthening Your Immune System
- Heise iX 7/2019, p. 58: Red Teaming: Compliance und Datenschutz im Rahmen von Sicherheits- und Awareness-Tests
Articles in professional publications:
- Heise iX 7/2024, p. 114: Verstecken und finden: Antivirus gegen Malware
- Heise iX 6/2024, p. 142: Malwareanalyse mit x64dbg
- DIGITAL BUSINESS CLOUD 6/2023, S. 40: Die “guten Jungs” greifen an
- Heise iX 10/2021, p. 74: Purple Teaming: collaborative IT security maneuvers
- JavaSPEKTRUM 5/2021: The OWASP Web Top 10 in Java Applications
- JavaSPEKTRUM 6/2021: Deserialization attacks against Java applications
Special publications:
- IHK-Magazin für München und Oberbayern: Wirtschaft – keine Chance für Cyberangriffe 05/2017, Page 16
- ix-special publication: Topic IT-Security
- brandeins: The best IT service providers in Germany 2020, p.74: The seducers
Customer magazines
- Novus customer magazine from Ebner Stolz, Issue 2.2019, p.26: Improving IT security with an all-round check
- MM – The magazine of Messe München 01/2019
Main Press:
- FAZ: Sicherheit in einer immer unsichereren IT-Welt (Nr. 65; 18.03.2015)
- Die Welt: Why Companies Let Themselves Be Hacked
- Münchner Merkur: Böse Hacker kennen keine Grenzen
- Heise: O2-HomeBox-Router Remote Code Execution
- Manager Magazin: Spear Phishing Attacks on Companies – There is no Firewall for Human Weakness
- WirtschaftsWoche: Robot out of Control
- OVB: Malicious Hackers Know No Boundaries
- Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ): How Secure Is Your IT?
- Golem: Dozens of Vulnerabilities in Newsletter Services
- Handelsblatt: Roboter außer Kontrolle
- itwelt.at: Künstliche Intelligenz macht Unternehmen anfälliger für Cyberangriffe (08/2024)
- digitalbusiness-cloud.de: KI-Systeme und Cybersecurity: Die dunkle Seite der KI (08/2024)
- IAVC.world: Hacker & KI: IT-Security von Anfang an in den Designprozess integrieren (08/2024)
- ChannelPartner: Neue Angriffsvektoren durch KI (09/2024)
Podcasts / Interviews:
- Cloud Computing Report: Episode 111: How Attackers Take Over Your Cloud & Infiltrate Enterprises
- Podcast TrueCyberCrime by Stadtsparkasse München: Episode 1: the good hackers
Technical literature:
- Technical Book “The Digital Factory – On the Way to Digital Production Industry 4.0” (“Die digitale Fabrik: Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Produktion Industrie 4.0”)
- Technical Book „Professional Product Management“
- Technical Book “Cybersecurity Best Practices”
- Technical Book „Künstliche Intelligenz und smarte Robotik im IT-Sicherheitsrecht“
Published talks / livehacks:
- Live Hack: „Wie Angreifer Ihre Cloud übernehmen & Unternehmen infiltrieren“ at it-sa 2022 in Nuremberg
- Live Hack: „Wie Ransomware ganze Netze unter Kontrolle bringt und verschlüsselt“ in cooperation with genua GmbH (14.03.2023)